My Commitment To Authenticity And Honest Reviewing

As a blogger with an extensive journalistic background, it is my utmost priority to provide my audience with candid and authentic insights into the events and artists I cover. I believe in the power of truthful reporting and feedback to foster meaningful dialogue and growth within our community.

That being said, it is important to note that my chosen role differs significantly from that of a public relations (PR) writer. While PR professionals aim to promote and highlight only the positive aspects of their clients or events, my responsibility lies in offering a genuine perspective, which may not always align with popular sentiment.

Assessments provided in my blog posts are rooted in honesty and integrity, but also from my point of view. While I strive to recognize and celebrate excellence, I am equally committed to offering constructive criticism when warranted. My intention is never to disparage or undermine the efforts of individuals or organizations but rather to contribute to their improvement and development — as I strive to do for myself every day as a writer.

I understand that not all commentary may be met with unanimous approval, and sometimes evaluations can be interpreted as a personal attack. However, I firmly believe in the value of diverse opinions and encourage respectful discourse among my readers. Disagreement is a natural part of any dialogue, and I welcome differing angles. I always try my best to approach events and art with an open mind, and a willingness to listen — and ask the same of my readers.

It’s also very rare that I encounter unsavory things in the Reno music scene, but they unfortunately do happen time to time, and I will always put my best foot forward to provide that critique in a professional, productive manner. Not every experience is going to please me, as it’s impossible for me to please everyone with my creations as well.

Ultimately, my dedication remains unwavering — to give my audience realistic, forthright and comprehensive content that reflects my pledge to authenticity within this project.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


Sam Ray-Johnson

Digital Journalist, Music Blogger

Funk Punk Lives